Self ventilated filter

Self Ventilated Carbon Filter

In a self ventilated carbon filter, odorous air from sources such as a sewage wet well, is ventilated to the odor control unit by a fan located on top of the filter. Polluted air is passed through a carbon bed to remove the pollutants and odorous components. Clean air is discharged through the fan outlet.

Odor removal efficiency in this system is up to 99.5%!

AAI’s Carbon Adsorption Technique

Odorous compounds (H2S, Mercaptains, and other VOC’s) are adsorbed into the carbon surface. Virgin, activated, catalytic, chemically impregnated (Model SCCF) or water washable (Model SWCF) carbon is used depending on the application or customer specification.

Appropriate gas retention time is slelected based on the size and type of the carbon as well as the application. The treated volume and efficeincy as well as life of the carbon are all important factors considered in the design. The quality of the carbon selected is also very crusial.


Each type of carbon has its advantages and disadvantages and the optimum selection is based on customer specification and requirements. For example, the carefully controlled addition of the chemical reagent ensures the efficient removal and retention of the pollutants while retaining an excellent physical adsorption capacity. While, the catalytic water washable carbon removes the H2S and catalyzes it to water soluble sulfur compounds that could be washed away when the carbon is washed with water only!

However, the regeneration is only possible for H2S and other gases will not be washed away from the carbon and therefore limit the carbon adsorption capacity during each regeneration. AAI only utilizes the highest quality carbons as manufactured by Jacobi Carbon.

The water washable saturated carbon can be regenerated in-situ by water. This carbon can be regenerated up to 10 times based on the use.  Carbon life is a function of the type and concentration of contaminants in the air stream.