Air Cleaning System Design
AmerAir International provides several techniques for controlling air pollution and odor from both new and existing regulated sites. The design process examines the opportunities available for the elimination and minimization of potential pollutants for fugitive and point source releases. A short summary of the description, design considerations, common uses, advantages, disadvantages and common issues encountered is provided for each of the pollution control techniques examined. A brief discussion is then given to the selection of techniques.
The Design Methodology has been divided into the following sections:
- Process Integration Analysis and Measurement
- Pollutant Management Plan
- Controlling Techniques
- Design Procedures (P&ID, civil, mechanical, electrical)
- Sample of Designs
Preventive Control Measures
The greatest opportunity for any pollution prevention (including odor) arises during the early stages of project inception. As the project progresses through the various stages of route selection, design and build, the options available to reduce pollution become fewer.
It is therefore essential that the applicant considers and addresses all relevant environmental issues as early as possible within the design process.
In new plants, preventive control measures, in-plant segregated waste stream treatment and/or process-integrated measures can be effectively taken into account in the design stage of the plant.
For existing plants, retrofitting to existing installations and infrastructure will generally be more expensive and may involve technical and organizational constraints.
There are three basic approaches for resolving air pollution: Firstly, modifying the emission quality and pattern by dilution, high stack, intermediate operation, and moving the source; Secondly, elimination of the source of pollution by modifying the process and changing the consumed materials; and Lastly utilizing APC systems such as scrubber, baghouse and incinerator to lower the pollutants to acceptable standards. Based on the source and substance of pollution, various control techniques may be applied;