Passive vent filter
Passive Vent Carbon Filter
In a passive vent carbon filter, the odours air contained in a facility is passed through the carbon adsorption passive filter by displacement of air inside the chamber that may be caused by a liquid level rise. The rise of the liquid pushes the gesous phase above through the filter. Clean air is discharged through the side opening on top of the filter. The removal efficiency in this system is up to 99.5%!

Passive Vent Carbon
Odorous compounds such as H2S, Mercaptans, and other VOC’s are adsorbed into the carbon surface. Virgin, activated, catalytic, chemically impregnated or water washable carbon are used depending on the application or customer specification.
Appropriate gas retention time is slelected based on the size and type of the carbon as well as the application. The treated volume and efficeincy as well as life of the carbon are all important factors considered in the design. The quality of the carbon selected is also very crusial.

The water washable saturated carbon can be regenerated in-situ by water. This carbon can be regenerated up to 10 times based on the use.
Carbon life is a function of the type and concentration of contaminants in the air stream. The AAI carbon has capacity of 0.15- 0.3 grams H2S per cc of carbon.