Air Monitoring

Implementation of an Air Pollution Study

Stack gas analyzing, free surface pollutant measurement and ambient air quality monitoring are provided by AAI. Proper equipment, arrangement and method of measurement are engineered in our systems.


Air Pollution Measurement

Stack gas analyzing, free surface pollutant measurement and ambient air quality monitoring are provided by AAI. Proper equipment, arrangement and method of measurement are engineered in our systems.
Ambient air measurement monitoring
Stack monitoring
Sampling from free surface
Preparing the samples

Dynamic and Static Head Space Analysis

Dynamic and Static Head Space Analysis are two innovative methods applied by AAI in measurement of pollutant in free surface sources.  Static Headspace Analysis is a practical and widely practiced method for measurement of gaseous concentration in quasi-equilibrium with a liquid phase in a container.

The results from this method are both reliable and reproducible for any given condition.

In this method, first the sample of liquid is extracted from the main source, and then poured into a tight closed container. Volatile components will reach equilibrium in liquid and gas phases accordingly. Once the equilibrium is reached, it is time for measuring the pollutants concentration by placing the measuring sensors in head space of the sample.